
Textile Industry ERP Solution

ERP solution, specially developed for the textile industry needs

Once a handicraft industry, textile production is now an engineering activity that uses various technologies and processes to design and develop textiles. Production precisely to demand is the key to success in the textile industry. Slight underflow or overflow can take a cost dynamic to a different plane. Starting from the pre-production to the end production, each work should be carried out precisely and accurately for minimizing production errors and to attain maximum profit. 

We have a specifically designed solution for textile which is an integrated application as a solution resolving all the major industry challenges. Our solutions address everything from fibers to design.

green and black metal tool

Features of Textile


Covers the end-to-end finance operations of the Business. The module would be customized & configured as per the client’s / Business requirement. Moreover, the workflows enables to enrich the approval processes.

This module covers all fixed assets in the organization with a detailed level to provide in-depth and accurate information to the management about the assets.

The module is to ensure the machine in the factory is up and ready for operations at any given time and minimize the damage costs by preventive maintenance, which enhances the machine operation time.

Quotation to procurement process is completely covered in the local purchasing to reduce the cost component of the goods and service they are willing to Purchase. Based on the goods purchased the cost component can be estimated.

Import related quotation to procurement process is
covered in this module to ensure that the purchase is done from the right vendor.

All kinds of inventory inbound, outbound, and work in
progress are seamlessly monitored and managed. MRP (the material required for production), facilitate packing material requirement for products, intelligently analyzing the open contracts
and available inventory along with InProgress purchase orders.

Considering the Resource Group, Product Group, and Shade Groups application suggest to best utilize the production hours and the productivity by minimizing the no of changeovers in the factory floor on:

Yarn PreparingProduction
Yarn intermingling
High bulk
Similar to the Production Dye Department Considering the Resource Group, Product Group, and Shade Groups application suggest to best utilize the production hours and the productivity by minimizing the no of changeovers in the factory floor on:

Yarn dye-High Temperature
Tape dye-High Temprature,Hank,Continuous

The sample module is the Core of the business where all the component of the business has been created based on this module. The module is tightly integrated with the production and the Masters such as BOM and Routing to provide the necessary path to optimize the information Flow in the ERP

Considering all possible paths to check the material availability and to reduce the stock holdings. This directly has an impact on the profitability of the organization

 This module ensures the goods that the business produce are of satisfactory quality level to the end customer.

This module computes the value additions that would go into the end product that is to be produced. This would also give an indication if the products that's to be produced would be profitable or not for the business

The marketing module's core idea is to maximize customer satisfaction by providing the services along with the expected quality therefore that is tightly integrated with the related core areas to ensure the goods required are produced and delivered on time to maintain the expected lead time.

Managed via planning board to ensure the total available resources are utilized. Furthermore, the sub sequential operations can be used by the work order list to manage the factor and production.

Supporting departments are well managed via relevant plan boards to ensure the total available resources are utilized on: 

Beam warping
Planning board integrations to reduce the Excess stocks to maximize the profitability, the supporting departments are well managed via relevant plan boards to ensure total available resources on:

- Hard Winding
- Soft winding
- Sewing thread winding
- Bobbing winding and Unwinding
- Hank Winding and Unwinding
- Finishing

Covers the end-to-end finance operations of the Business. The module would be customized & configured as per the client’s / Business requirement. Moreover, the workflows enabled to enrich the approval processes.

Fixed Asset

This module covers all fixed assets in the organization with a detailed level to provide in-depth and accurate information to the management about the assets.


The module is to ensure the machine in the factory is up and ready for operations at any given time and minimize the damage costs by making preventive maintenance, which enhances the machine operation time.

Local Purchase

Quotation to procurement process is completely covered in the local purchasing to reduce the cost component of the goods and service they are willing to Purchase. Based on the goods purchased the cost component can be estimated.

Import Purchase

Creation of the delivery plan and Quotation to procurement process is completely covered in the import purchasing to reduce the cost component of the goods that they are willing to Purchase with the suitable vendor and based on the selected vendor, creating of the PO# and the shipment plan. Based on the shipment plan, we need to option the possible forwards. Based on this Goods’ cost will be calculated.


The module has been reconfigured to increase profitably by reducing the operations inventory cost and stock holding cost. However, to improve production the workflow enables excess material requests and other material requests.

Export Sales/Marketing

The marketing module is core idea is to maximize customer satisfaction by providing the services along with the expected quality goods therefore which is tightly integrated with the related core areas to ensure that the goods required are produced and delivered on time to maintain the high FTT. Even this module covers customer handling as well.

The sample module is the Core of the business where all the component of the business has been created based on this module. The module is tightly integrated with the production and the Masters such as BOM and routines to provide the necessary path to optimize the information Flow in the ERP

Sample and R&I

Webbing, Brading, Tipping, High Bulk, Covering, Beam Wrapping, Jacquard, Woven, Knitted), Printing + Packing - Considering the Resource Group , Product Group , and Shade Groups to Maximize the production hours and the productivity by minimizing the no of changeovers in the factory floor. Moreover, to meet the customer deadlines to get maximum customer satisfaction.

Production Packaging

Dye Lab + Dye - Soft Winding, Hard Winding, Twisting, YARN Assembling, Finishing, Dye. Considering the current order follow of the ERP to maximize the productivity, and enhance the efficiency by reducing the changeovers to obtain the maximum utilization of the factor. Meantime with the planning board integrations to reduce the Excess stocks to maximize the profitability.


Managed via planning board to ensure the total available resources are utilized. Furthermore, the sub sequential operations can be used by the work order list to manage the factor and production.

Sewing Thread, Packing

Considering all possible paths to improve the material availability and reduce the stock holdings. This is directly having an impact on the profitability of the organization. 


The modules are purely cross functional to ensure the goods that the business produced are the satisfactory level of the customer requirement. And this this integrated with the Purchasing to completion of the products.

QC / Testing

Which is the final and confirming the product which we did is profitable or not for the business, here we are trying to ensure the expected costing is achieved or not, but having the reports


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